Daytime Drama Time

Playing Doctor: M/M Mpreg Alpha Male Romance - Aiden Bates

If you asked me what this book is about I'd say it's about bigotry, about not being the same as everybody else. Being courageous enough to be your own person. WAIT! Unfortunately, it is also a sappy, over-the-top, angstfest! The Alpha - who is dumb as a lump and easily one of the most gullible characters I've read in a while - falls for a 'used' omega who already has had someone else's child. The Alpha is such a wuss his assistant tell him what to do and who to date...and he does it. Are you kidding me?!?!? Jonah was the man who had a level head on his shoulders, thank goodness. I did read this hard and I thought it was a perfectly good summer beach read. Typos and all.
The Mpreg thing was fine and I still don't get what everyone is so bent out of shape about. Just saying...