Sweet and Romantic

Blue Notes - Shira Anthony

Sometimes I just want schmaltzy romance and I say that with respect. That's what Blue Notes was for me, an unapologetically romantic read. It had all the cliches an age difference, income difference, totally different states of employment and it still worked. It was fun, sweet, didn't over reach and I'm glad I read it. I was in the mood for heartwarming and that's what I got. I didn't even mind when that old plot ploy "misunderstanding" reared its head, it still worked for me. It was set in Paris and to be honest I could barely control myself while I was reading it. I had a croissant for breakfast, a cheese platter for lunch and for dinner I had coq au vin. I love when I get swept away in a book. I guess tomorrow I will have to spend an extra half an hour in the gym. Worth it!