Gosh I Wish I was a Good Writer

I love my books and this is the best way for me to give them the respect they deserve. Even when I dislike a book and it happens, I'll always try to respect the writer.  

Not Perfect But Sweet

Vincent's Thanksgiving Date - R. Cooper

Vincent's Thanksgiving Date by B Cooper is a short moment in time leading up to Thanksgiving in Vincent's life. A change can happen if he could just pluck up the courage this once and let it happen. He meets Cory who is a gentle, adorable, little neighbor who sees something in Vincent and is willing to gently, ease his anxieties while getting under Vincent's skin. This tale is low on the 'hot-o-meter' Cooper chose instead to focus on character interaction to tell the story. Now to be honest I thought the ending was a bit abrupt but I understood why Cooper ended it there. The tale would have worked so well if it'd had more time to become a full-length novel. I liked these characters enough I wanted to see a lot more. Another sweet little plus is that Corey was 'of color' and to be honest, it's always refreshing in this genre to have characters of many cultures and races together. It shouldn't be a big deal.

I Needed More

A Cop for Christmas - Jamie Fessenden

There's a certain kind of warm and happy should happen when you're reading a Christmas story. For some odd reason, I needed more time and development for this one to resonate with me. I felt the main characters didn't really spend enough time together and didn't have enough meaningful interactions for this to be more than an HFN for me. Hey, that's just me.

Read on fellow readers.

Not For Me

Eagle Grip (The Guardian Series Book 3) - Max Walker

It was nice enough but overall it didn't ring my bell. I wanted to be with the Daddies more than the MCs of this story. Others really might get into this read than I did.

B-Really Really Good

The Day Of The Triffids - John Wyndham

My mom & I love science fiction B-movies from the 50s and the 60s. Day of the Triffids is one of our favorites. When I saw it on a few Best of all Time lists I took a chance. I tried reading it and found the 'wordy' overwritten English grated on my nerves. So I tried the Audiobook and WOW color me happy! This is so not a B science fiction. This was a complete story that I was able to get so emerged into I yelled a few times at the gym, Wake up! Oh, come on! and Don't just stand there! I see a lot of ideas in our modern end-of-the-world stories that I think came from this Triffids which was published in 1951. I was wonderful to be kept on the edge of my seat without any blood, guts or gore. Just hardcore human nature and spores from an unknown source. I love when I take a chance and I get a winner.

Flawed But Fun

Finding Finn: Wolf Shifter Mpreg Romance (Wolf's Mate Book 1) - Kiki Burrelli

Okay, I knew what I was getting into and honestly I just wanted to read that was so lite if I stopped reading there would be no great loss. That being said I was able to follow the story, ignore some glaring mistakes in logic, and read this lite story from cover to cover. If you choose to read this check your brains at the door and have fun. Don't say I didn't warn you.

One Note but I Still Enjoyed It

Bound - Amelia Bishop

BOUND was a simple story about an accident victim that needs to learn to live again. Can he give life a chance? Fighting the demons in his own soul is his biggest challenge. The man who can help him see the light is right there pushing to get in. Their kink was very vanilla but sexy and well written. This author chose to write a clear simple one-note style without bells & whistles. I wish we had gotten more time with friends & family. Both their interactions with both main characters independently and as a couple would have been welcomed. Some things were too cut and dry but I was pleased to have a wheelchair-bound character.


Exes - Kade Boehme, Jay Aheer, Rebecca Cartee

Cute, sweet little non-angsty, love story between two people who already know each other very well.

Dark Net

Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling, #12) - Nalini Singh

I haven't read a Nalini Singh book in a long time and man, it was nice to come back to this good stuff. It was absolutely captivating and thrilling from the first to the last page. Kaleb  has found his Sahara and together they work at stopping an evil plot against the Psy Net. I particularly enjoyed when they first met ever. There's really not much I can say except I loved it and I now know I have to come back to this series. PS, I got to see Vaughn, one of my all-time favorite shifters ever. In fact, it was great to see everyone these are unforgettable characters! 


Tight End - Alicia Notarainni, Jay Aheer, Devon McCormack

Tight End did not work for me ... at all! Tad Roarke was so totally unlikeable that I didn't care about his life one bit. The football talk was lame. The bodyguard, let's see ... drinking like that much on the job? What the heck?!?! Darren was the only character I liked. Ugh. I just didn't like this read. I skimmed through the second half. I'm usually a pushover and like everything but this one made me want my time back!

Big Guy Love

Ten in the Bin - N.R. Walker

This is one of those times when I take a chance just and pick a read without knowing anything about it. BINGO! I was very happy with this simple 'come together' for two amateur Rugby players. Both MCs were engaging and the entire read was without angst but full of a sweet sexual tension. Walker wrote the sports scenes well enough I could follow the action comfortably. The big bummer was the length of this story was short (yup, I missed that part) but Walker told a complete story. Being a greedy reader I wanted more.

Good Moments.

Lover on Top: A Firefighter Romance - Kristine Cayne

This is my first Kristine Cayne and even though there were some irritating quirks overall it was a good, not-too-heavy read. I enjoyed the idea of characters discovering their true sexuality late in life and Chad is a really neat man who understands who he is. The waffling on both sides was tiresome and the pacing of the story was totally uneven. The ending was very abrupt considering how long it took for the two main characters to do anything. The mystery element was totally wasted, Chad's friends and family were very sweet and kind. 

Detroit Was Respected

Damaged Package - S.A. McAuley

There were things I enjoyed about this book:

I loved the setting and the way the McAuley wrote about Detroit.

I liked the characters Trav and Deacon.

Overall I liked the dynamics between the protagonists. I found the age difference work. Trav's interaction with his brother was intriguing.

There were things I didn't like about the book:

The women...I'll leave it at that.

Deacon's job was silly and the mystery portion of the story was ridiculous.

Kick Ass Good

Treachery in Death - J.D. Robb

Wow, hold tight because this is what I'm talkin' about when I say this was a wild, fast, fun ride. I had a blast reading this book. There were times when I laughed so hard people would stare at me in the bus envious because they were not in on the joke or there were the times I had to stop pedaling on the bike in the gym so I could fist pump or hoot, 'Go girl, go!' because Dallas or Peabody were kicking ass, movin' & shakin' and making thing happen. This time the bad guys were their own. Now, that I think about this nook really moved fast. I was shocked when I hit the last page.

A Peek At My Boys

PsyCop Briefs: Volume 1 - Jordan Castillo Price

I love these guys and I'm surprised how much I enjoyed peeking at these little moments in their lives. Vic is one of my favorite screwed up characters and Jacob compliments him so well. Together they rock. I've found myself rereading parts again and again already.
Thank you - Book Buddie Linda. I really would have missed this one.


Still Brain Bleach

Alaska, With Love - Sandrine Gasq-Dion

Knowing in advance this should be approached as a light read I was able to suspend logic and enjoy it...kinda. Again the premise was on point but the follow through was almost insultingly fluffed over. The MCs are very likable but I have to say the good doctor at times felt alarmingly like a stereotype of a woman. What made me mad  The bit with the wolf was interesting.


 <spoiler> When someone is raped, humiliated and abused endlessly for three months there will be some serious residual side-effects. Our good Dr. Mark Patterson was healed with a little therapy and hypnosis. Yeah right! That was ridiculous. </spoiler>

Brain Beach

A Marked Man/ Alaska With Love (Assassin-Shifter #1-2) - Sandrine Gasq-Dion, 'Jenjo' Jacobson,  Jennifer

I bought this three years ago and finally got to it. Great premise. Weak follow through. So as far as 'brain bleach' this was okay. Nowhere near a great read, I didn't stop reading it but I didn't take it seriously.